Monday, July 20, 2015


I am a teenage girl, but not your average teenage girl. Yes I love posting selfies and going out an partying. But I also love learning about the world around us, reading, talking to people face to face instead of through text or over the phone. I love smiling, and spreading my happiness to those around me. I love helping people when I am able to help them. I love going to school, and working. I specially love working for the things I have. I take more pride in the things I own knowing I worked my ass off to get them, rather than having them handed to me by my mommy. I know what it's like to struggle, to be in a rough spot, to not have money. But I also know what it's like to feel happiness and to be rich. Not rich with money, but rich with love, friends and laughter. That's the best kind of rich their is.
When my father passed there were many people that came to his funeral. Of course I was second in the line of family members. He was my dad. My first love. My protector. And he still is. He always will be. As everyone shook my hand, and gave me sympathy for my loss, there was one thing that everyone ALWAYS said. "You're father was a hard worker." Every time. Every person that shook my hand said this. And it stuck in my head. It makes me want to give it my all and be the best that I can possibly be. With him passing I feel I have learned and gained a lot. The biggest thing I have taken away from this horrible tragedy is to LOVE EVERYONE. Show unconditional love ALL THE TIME. Say I love you AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. Because you never know when it's your time to go, or someone else's time to go. My dad always told me he was invincible. He's been shot while hunting, struck with lightening, had brain damage due to a rough fall, been shocked with 480 volts of electricity at work, and he lived through it all. I really thought my daddy had a horseshoe hidden up his ass. ....Then March 4th came around. It was a normal day. I was sitting in my international business class, when I got a call from my step mom. I ignored it. But then I got a text saying "It's dad." I shot up out of my seat and ran out of my class room and called her back. She told me to hurry, to come NOW, come fast, while crying uncontrollably. I grabbed my things, and ran out to my car. I drove as fast as I could. It took me about 20 minutes, but it was the longest 20 minutes of my life. What was I going to drive into? Did he fall down the stairs? Did he trip outside? Is he having a heart attack? I just wanted to hug him and tell him everything would be okay. When I pulled up to my father house, there was a fire truck, ambulance, and three police offers sitting on my road. I knew it was bad but I still had hope. I ran out of my car up to the first person I saw, which happened to be a police officer. I asked him what happened and he told me to go inside and sit down. I asked him one more time what happened and the look in his eyes broke my heart. I immediately fell to the ground, looked up at him and screamed WHERE IS MY DADDY. Then he told me........
"I'm so sorry" Is all he said. It's all he needed to say and I knew. I was too late. I didn't get to say goodbye. I never got the chance to talk to him about what happened between him and my mom, or if he thought about me while he sat in his jail cell for half of my life. I never got to apologize to him for getting mad at him for leaving me when I was little. I never got to tell him how proud I was of him and the amazing man he had become and was still becoming. I never got the chance to just say "You know dad, you mean sooooooooooo much to me. I can't thank you enough for showing me love, and support. I love you dad. More than you will ever know." SO PLEASE. STOP the bullying. STOP the hate. LOVE EVERYONE. HELP each other. And spend as much time with family and friends as possible. Because you never know when it might be your last day seeing them.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Ghosts of Schoolbus Accident Push Vehicles off Tracks!!

Ghosts of Schoolbus Accident Push Vehicles off Tracks:

Just south of San Antonio, Texas, there is an intersection of roadway and railroad track that has become very famous in the paranormal and urban legends catagory. The intersection was the site of a tragic accident in which several children were killed - but their ghosts forever remain at the spot. And the curious from all over the world come to this intersection of railroad track and roadway to witness firsthand the paranormal phenomena they've heard takes place there.
This is the story as I have heard and read about it.

Back in the early to mid 70's, a school bus full of children was making its way down the road and toward the intersection when it stalled out on the railroad tracks. A speeding train, going way to fast to slow down in time, smashed broad side into the bus.The crash killed 10 of the children and the
bus driver. Since that dreadful accident almost 30 years ago, any car stopped near or on the railroad tracks will be pushed by unseen hands across the tracks to safety. It is supposedly the spirits of the children, who push the cars across the tracks to prevent a another accident and tragedy like the one they suffered. Everday, cars will stop on the haunted intersection to see if the legend is true. The driver of the car will stop some 20 to 30 yards from the tracks and puts the car in neutral gear. And sure enough, even though the car is going up an incline toward the tracks, the car begins to roll. It rolls very slowly at first, then steadily gaining speed - seemingly of its own accord and against gravity - up and over the tracks. This has been tested time and time again, and cars really do roll up and over the tracks - every time.
The best part about this legend is as follows. Before you put your car in position near the tracks, sprinkle a light film of white powder - like talcum or baby powder - over the car's trunk and rear bumper. After the vehicle goes up and over the rail road tracks and comes to a halt. Go behind your vehicle. You will see tiny sets of fingerprints and handprints all over the back of the vehicle.these prints are those of the ghost children that were killed all those years ago. Many who have tried it swear that indeed they can see the evidence of small children's handprints in the powder.